Privacy Policy

Through this website, personal data of users is not collected without authorization, nor are they shared with third parties, except in cases provided by law.

In order to offer you the best service and facilitate usage, we analyze the number of pages visited, the number of visits, as well as visitor activity and frequency of use. For these purposes, the Seville City Council uses statistical information provided by the Internet Service Provider.

The website, owned by the Seville City Council, contains links to third-party websites with privacy policies unrelated to this one. By accessing such websites, you can decide whether to accept their privacy policies.

Basic Information on Data Protection: In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights, any citizen who provides personal data to the Seville City Council through any of its communication channels (website, electronic headquarters, etc.) is informed that their data is processed by the Seville City Council, located at Plaza Nueva No. 1, 41001 Seville, telephone +34 955010010.

Data Controller: The personal data that may be collected directly from the interested party will be treated confidentially and incorporated into the corresponding processing activity, owned by the Seville City Council.

Data Protection Officer: You can contact or make any inquiries about your personal data with the Data Protection Officer of the Seville City Council via email at

Purpose: The purpose of data processing corresponds to that stated in each of the processing activities carried out by the Seville City Council.

Legitimation: The processing of your data is carried out to fulfill legal obligations by the Seville City Council, to fulfill missions performed in the public interest or in the exercise of public powers conferred upon it, and for the execution of a contract. When the purpose of processing requires your consent, it must be provided through a clear affirmative action.

Data Retention: The personal data provided will be retained for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they are collected and, where applicable, to determine possible responsibilities that may arise from that purpose, in addition to the periods established by archival and documentation regulations.

Security Measures: The security measures implemented correspond to those applied as a result of the risk analysis carried out in accordance with Article 32 of the GDPR. The risk analysis has been conducted based on the measures outlined in Annex II (Security Measures) of Royal Decree 311/2022, which regulates the National Security Scheme.

Data Communication: In general, personal data will not be communicated to third parties, except for legal obligations, which may include communications to the Ombudsman, Judges and Courts, and the interested parties in the related claims procedures.

Rights of Data Subjects: Any individual has the right to obtain confirmation of the processing of their data carried out by the Seville City Council. You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, and portability of your data, as well as limitation and objection to its processing, and the right not to be subject to decisions based solely on automated data processing, including profiling, when applicable, by written request addressed to the Seville City Council. Requests should be submitted through the electronic headquarters of the City Council or through any of the registration assistance offices, whose locations can be found on the homepage of the electronic headquarters.

You may also exercise your right to file a complaint with the Transparency and Data Protection Council of Andalusia, located at Calle Conde de Ibarra, 18 – 41004, Seville, Spain.